Seven-Week Strength Program

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Written by Christian Troxler

This program is designed for men and women who want to gain overall strength. Each week has a focus on the big three (squat, bench, and deadlift), as well as core conditioning and aesthetics to help you gain strength and achieve a physique to be proud of.

Written with expertise from training hundreds of clients over 8 years in the fitness industry, this program is built to increase your strength in an easy-to-follow, methodical approach that takes the guesswork out of the picture.

What's included:

  • Six workouts for each week of the program: 42 workouts total
  • Five strength weeks, a deload week, and a max out week
  • Warmups, working sets, accessories, and finishers for each muscle group
  • Access to Christian for questions
  • Free lifetimes updates for any new versions of the ebook


"This is the first strength program I’ve ever followed and I could not recommend it enough. After only 4 weeks, I was able to achieve 2 out of 3 of my year-end strength goals. I completed 1 cycle of the program and I added a total of 40 pounds to my main 3 lifts.

Starting maxes:
225 bench
300 squat
335 deadlift

Maxes after 4 weeks, plus deload:
230 bench
315 squat
365 deadlift

"The program is really easy to follow. The percentages tell you exactly what weight you need to be working with, and has accessories that you can do in any gym. I especially enjoy the technique day, it is a fun workout to do on a Saturday when you can’t decide what workout you want to do and you can hit a little of everything.

"I couldn’t recommend this program enough, whether it be for beginners or experienced lifters. I can’t wait to see where this program takes my overall strength and fitness!" - Tyler D.

"I was stuck on my big lifts for a few months before starting this program. After going through it once, I added 45 pounds to my lifts. The workouts are really challenging, and it's great to see progress in a short amount of time. I plan to repeat it immediately!" - Conor H.


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