Seen and Not Heard

Seen and Not Heard
Hardcore work ethic is something I learned from my dad.

I have eight siblings. My dad’s always worked hard to make sure we had everything we needed, working long shifts at the chemical plant. He always gave up everything he wanted to provide for us.

But even then he never missed anything that was important. He always showed up at my games, at all the events my siblings were involved in. He always made time for it. It would have been really easy for him to come home from a shift, say he was tired, and just stay at home, but instead he always showed up. That meant a lot and taught me a lot.

Work ethic wasn’t just something for work, either. When things break, whether it’s a part on a car or the lawn mower or whatever, a lot of people will just buy a replacement and not put in any effort to try and fix it. My dad always put in the effort to make it work. When he bought the truck he drives now, it was sitting in their yard and the owners said it wouldn’t run. He came down to Little Rock to pick it up, got it running, and drove it out of the yard to West Memphis.

I think when you value something, you put in the work for it. You don’t just do what you have to do, but you invest the time in what’s really important, even when you’re tired. You see the potential in things when other people see something broken, and you put in the effort to make it everything it can be.

The biggest thing I learned is that work ethic is seen and not heard. My dad never made a big deal out of everything he did and never asked for praise or reward.

That’s what I learned from my dad, that’s something that I try to apply to every area of my life, and that’s why it’s such an important part of the gym.

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  • That was an amazing story!!! Your dad sounds like one heck of a great role model!!!

    Audrea Baker on
  • Awesome your Dad is the best. He does work very hard. Too hard. He always keeps going. He is great to fix anything We always call Uncle Kim first..(Brother In law). My kids and grandchildren love him.

    Angela Henry on
  • Your dad is truly an inspiration, but don’t forget your mom. Together they are one.

    Brenda P Bergeron on

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